The Train Like Me Series delivers game-changing tutorials and explanations that lets you unlock your body’s full potential at the gym, at home, or wherever you decide to train.


Perfect for anyone wanting to gain or develop basic to extreme levels of strength and size.


These specially designed workouts will work multiple muscle groups at once. Making every workout the MOST EFFECTIVE.


Say Goodbye! to Joint Pain. You will learn to move your body in all types of unique ways.


The discipline you apply to this workout plan can also be applied to other areas of your life. If you can conquer this plan, what can’t you do?

Perfect for All Fitness Levels

TRAIN LIKE ME makes every workout a QUALITY one, silky-smooth tutorials, dynamic explanations, top-notch motivation and premium access to all recommended skills to conquer your body

Shake up your Routine

TRAIN LIKE ME is more than a workout plan — it’s a way of life. It helps you live healthier while keeping your energy level sky-high. Make every workout a breeze, reinvent yourself, fuel your confidence, all while saving time and money.

Become a Calisthenics Master

What our customers think of our workout plans


Pherny A.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Im 25 and been into all sorts of sports my whole life. From acrobatics, diving, football and bodybuilding. You really made me realise how to elevate my potential.
Ive had a rough couple of years, but switching up my game and following your striq mentality has helped me alot. So i just want to thank you and hope your teachings will reach broad. You have helped me find my way.
I wish you the best, Always Strive and prosper. I dont doubt that you will keep up this work

Kody Lee

This thing is so amazing. It makes me feel powerful and the exercises are all really fun to learn. Highly recommend it!

Chris V.

This plan is amazing! I really wanted to do STRIQfits 1 on 1 Coaching program but this program is just as good and I am seeing amazing results on losing my stomach fat. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to you and your entire team!



Our mission is to make getting in shape simple, fun, and convenient.